This poem is dedicated to Tom- The only man in my life that I allow to
break my heart, over and over again.
Here we go again
That’s what I say as
I hang up with you
How long will this
one last
What else will you
promise to do
You said you’d remove
people from your life like Megan
She’s gone today
But I know she’ll be
back again
With her always comes
the pipe and the pills
The disappearing act
The battle of the
I hate her. I hate
all that she’s done to you
She’s installed a
Confirmed you an
addict through and through.
I know there
was no gun to your head.
You know other
and how their life is
You’ve seen first
hand all the faces you’ve totally let down
The wrinkles in her
forehead, and now a permanent frown
I’m sad to say
I’m starting to hate
you too
How different my life
would have been,
if there had been no
How do keep faith in
someone who always proves you wrong?
How many times should
I believe your story?
Your list of excuses
is wide and long.
So tonight I’ll go to
bed and promise to clearly assess
the fakery that I
keep up, trying to hide my emotional mess.
Desperate to be
honest, when faced with questions about you,
I’ll someday express
feelings that are harsh, bold and true.
“He’s an addict, and
he does what addicts do.
He doesn’t care about
me, and probably cares less about you.”
“Unless you’re a
pipe, or a pill, or a needle that will take him away
Don’t have
Who knows who he’ll
be today.”
“He’ll let you down
and make you cry.
Feeling like a fool,
because you asked him to try.”
I don’t know where
he’s at, who he’s with, or what they do.
Someday I’ll know.
Someday I’ll care.
But not today.
And, “No”, I’ll say,
when they ask me to be true.
“I don’t know YOU.”
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